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tv   ABC 7 News at 400  ABC  February 27, 2015 4:00pm-5:01pm EST

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the benefit of the doubt. he deserved it. the judge ordering that he stay away from computers and minors. he did do something noteworthy. we will show you that a 5:00. >> now we turn to the fight on the hill to approve funding for the homeland security department. just a matter of hours left to create a plan. >> eight hours and counting before we run out of time and funding for the department of homeland security. here's the progress report of where we stand. the senate when ahead and passed to be a clean version of the
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bill. to keep all the employees at work, keep them paid. it did not include provisions. house republicans don't like this bill. they would rather passive three-week extension. the white house was pressed today. with the president be willing to sign off on what he considers a less appealing short-term bill? >> if the president is faced with the short-term extension and shutting down the department of homeland security, he will sign. it's not the choices should be facing every member of the united states congress. >> they go back to the senate and they would have to approve it before midnight. a lot of moving parts here and
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we will keep an eye on all of it if and when anything breaks. we will be sure to bring it to you. >> keep us posted. thank you. some of us saw a little bit of snow and fortunately, that was it. >> just chilly out there as usual. let's see what the weekend pretends for us. another potential wedding -- weather alert heading this way. >> let's enjoy tonight and tomorrow. a lot of sunshine on the way. this is the roof camera and you can see hardly any clouds. the potomac river mostly frozen over. if you have plans to head out this evening, bundle up. the snow flurries moved across southern maryland. not going to amount to much more for them. we look a quiet and dry conditions the next 12 to 18 hours or so.
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it is cold out there. only 28 in gaithersburg. keep in mind the average daytime high for this time of year is just around 50 degrees. we are going to call for temperatures in the middle 20's. we will see mainly clear skies. still a good deal of sunshine. and by the noon time our, clause will begin to increase just a bit. temperatures rebounding into the upper 20's to lower 30's. we're talking about the wintry mix. maybe some snow, sleet, and freezing rain. >> what is good about these wintry mix is, certain things don't smell as they normally would. it's important in d.c. because there, trash collection has been delayed and a lot of complaints coming in from residents.
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>> the city is promising to get rid of the overflowing trash by this weekend. steve is live to explain the hall -- the all hands on deck push. >> it might not smell bad but it looks bad. this is good news. a crew came through and collected what had been a mini mountain of trash. this follows the get aggressive approach that has lingered because of the snowstorms. they sent the cruise instructions to get very aggressive with the trash, after weeks of complaints to residents. they gave their prerogative about whether or not to collect trash. we still found some alleys with a lot of trash and that means there are some frustrated
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residents out there. >> i am concerned about rodents. we live right next to the parks. >> i was in this very spot last night. we have a lot of rats here running along this alley especially near the trash cans. this will apply to employees and private contractors who will work 12 hour shifts through sunday. the goal to get the lingering trash out of here by sunday night. >> the frederick police department is assigning a new primary investigator to the cold case murder of a 15-year-old girl. stacy was reported missing. her body was found in a wooded area and december of that same year. the homicide has remained an active investigation.
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a new detective with 12 years on the force will continue this investigation. >> a disturbing case in missouri. a gunman killed seven people and wounded an eight person about 40 miles north of the arkansas line. marcy gonzales has more over the investigation. >> stretching from home to home in the rural missouri town. seven people shot to death last night before police say the killer drove away and later turned the gun on himself. his body found in his vehicle along the highway. >> we still got family and people to talk to. we are not going to have all the answers today. >> it may have started after the
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gunman found his elderly mother dead from natural causes. he then went to four other houses, opening fire. a girl who is in one of those homes called 911. >> she heard gunshots. she fled to a neighbors house. >> all of the victims were adults including a woman who was shot and is now helping investigators. >> they have identified the gunman and they say several of the victims were his cousins. >> this week it is going to mark one year since the disappearance . >> the eight-year-old girl vanished. we have more from a friend of the family. >> police searched the area for
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weeks in a tragedy that gripped the metropolitan area. she disappeared february of last year with 51-year-old who had been a gender at the shelter. they had last been seen alive at the hallway of this northeast d.c. hotel. they launched a massive search after the wife was found shot in a maryland hotel. a family friend that used to have her in her pom-pom squad said she has not given up hope. >> i'm not going to give up. >> she marches to the homeless shelter next week. >> said ms. for star trek fans today. leonard nimoy, known to many of
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us is mr. spock, passed away today. >> more on his remarkable following. >> he will forever be known simply as spock, the half vulcan half human, 100% logical science officer of the star trek series. it ran for just three seasons but he reprised the role in the start -- star trek movies. his fans particularly identified with the spot character and gene roddenberry once called him the conscience of star trek. nimoy was from boston and spent most of his life in the west coast, complained about doing the first 17 years of his career doing something else to support his family and he said he never again had to worry about making a living. in other got critical praise for directing two of the star trek films that followed the tv show.
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when of the episodes had a scene in which the line, live long and prosper was included and became his and leonard nimoy's trademark. he ended all his tweets that way and it's not a bad wish for anyone. he died today at the age of 83 after a long battle with the struct of lung disease. a life lived long and prosperously. >> thanks dave. coming up, a house fire sends two people to the hospital including a firefighter. >> in germantown where the elderly and handicapped residents of this condominium complex are upset because they have to do this. they pay their condo fees to have snow removed from their parking spaces, but they got to get out here and do it themselves. we will have more on the report.
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>> the question that has dominated social media. what color is the stress? we will have
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>> hard to believe that a dresses is dominating social media worldwide. >> that and the llamas are everything we are talking about right now. it's not a crazy design. it's because people cannot agree on the dress's color. it has been trending since yesterday. >> love it or hate it, it's what a lot of people have been talking about. and we are talking about it here as well. the subject is a little bit more. to me, it looks white and gold but a lot of people are wondering what color it is. some people see blue and black. it's a $76 dress offered by a business in the united kingdom and it has blown up on social media. a lot of people are trying to figure out why they see things differently. here is what we saw on social media today.
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this person says can we all agree that it's an ugly dress? we are getting into the fashion sense. breanna is saying this stress could end my relationship. it's a dark blue and gold slash black. this person says the dress changes colors more than a woman changes her mind. i feel there needs to be a rim shot at the end of that. we wanted to know why people see it differently. he went to american university and i will bring you the science coming up at 5:00. >> it doesn't matter. it's whatever color the woman says it is. >> even the redskins had something to say about this. the people handling the redskins twitter account decided to have fun with the questions about the dress. >> the redskin tweeted a picture
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of the helmet saying we see burgundy and gold. the l.a. dodgers team changed from blue to gold. >> what do you see? what colors do you see? is it black and blue? white and gold? way in on the facebook page and we will share some responses a little bit later. >> that as a whole different question of the day. it we've got other issues to deal with. an update for another story, the llamas on the loose in arizona. >> they made a run for it, of course, after visiting the senior living home in sun city. the chase went viral. he realized it was only a few blocks from his house, so he grabs some rope, jumped in a truck with his brother to drive and help class of the animals. >> it was 25 minutes of trying
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to catch these things. we almost had them penned in a corner lot with a fence around it. it almost worked, but they escaped. my brother handed off this rope to one guy that was able to collapse, the first bomb up the black one. >> bissett they were tired and dehydrated but otherwise ok. >> one look to blue and the other looked brown to me. >> you're confusing the stories. >> that is a blue line my. -- llama. >> let's go ahead and talk about traffic, things that will directly affect us this evening. >> no law must l -- llamas, just traffic. we had a crash earlier on the
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outer loop of the beltway in connecticut avenue, it has been cleared. it was a crash near arizona and plenty of volume. travel south and the main lanes, the express lanes are moving quite well. let's take a look at the sunny afternoon as we travel on 395 southbound. and on the beltway at river road on the inner loop, very slow on the white side -- the right side of the street. >> a nice deal of sunshine. if you want to be further ahead
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a week from tomorrow night early sunday morning, daylight savings time starts. >> it's about time. the sun will set after 7:00. outside we go right now and you can see it is cold out there because the potomac is frozen. it gives us a wind chill 10 degrees colder than that. the wind is out of the north northwest. the wind will be just a little bit later on tonight. those will fall into the teens. and way out to the west it will not be surprised to see if you single digits. now well to the east of us. the skies are clearing out nicely.
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27 in gaithersburg, hagerstown looking at 29 degrees. we will turn partly cloudy. a wintry mix well below average. it could be looking at, across our area, sleet and freezing rain.
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>> coming up at 4:00, seven on your side with a look at national medical trials for trans land patients. how it works and how patients say it is benefiting them. >> he tried to kill the mother of his own child. the hitman he hired turned out to be an undercover cop. we will show you the black and white video that
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>> a young man is in good health today after transplant patients. >> a closer look at this transplant study. >> the first attempt was not successful and david weber had his second kidney transplant. >> my health is really good now. given traditional drugs with
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toxicity to the kidney, he was enrolled in a national trial using a medication that is a modified version of an arthritis drug. >> the beauty of it is that it has no toxicity to the kidney. >> he is one of the principal investigators. >> it is the first time we can get rid of both classes of drugs. >> one drug caused a burning sensation for him. >> my hands and feet were always on fire in the shower. >> it could change long-term survival for transplant patients such as weber. >> the number one cause of death in transplant patients, we have a chance to make improvements on that. >> two thirds have been enrolled in this trial.
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he could even take a vacation again -- in the medical team that gave him a second chance. >> jetblue is expanding service.
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>> how many new jobs are coming
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is there an elk in your bed? with sleep number, now there's an adjustment for that. you can only find sleep number at a sleep number store. right now, save 50% on the ultimate limited edition bed. hurry, ends sunday! know better sleep with sleep number. >> you are watching abc seven news at 4:00. >> uber is planning to bring thousands of jobs to the state. >> and details of today's announcement.
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>> uber says that's how many new people, five thousand, just here in prince george's county. this is part of a massive expansion project a higher 50,000 new drivers all along the east coast. they made the announcement this morning. it is a ridesharing service where you download an app that lets you pick the type of vehicle you want. it means that they are increasing service from maine down to florida. people in low income areas who do not have college degrees. >> we bring the world the prince george's county. it fits in that cutting edge view of being on the front of the new economy and not being left behind.
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>> the personal story of a man that had a job for 30 years and the company went bankrupt. he had nowhere else to turn until they came along. we will show you how much these jobs pay. >> we will see you at 5:00. a maryland tavern owner charged with secretly videotaping women in the restrooms as he is embarrassed and humiliated. -- says he is embarrassed and humiliated. he released a statement after being charged with six counts of peeping tom violation and visual surveillance with intent. howard county police say their investigation began in may after a woman reported seeing of regional video camera fall onto the bathroom floor. >> accused of sexually assaulting a man, faced with more charges. he is charged with four counts of sexual battery.
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the alleged incident happened at patient first in manassas. it was during routine examinations between july and november of last year. wax a bill to lower the -- >> the bill to lower the dragging age of military members, it allows service members 18 and older to drink beer and wine at bars and restaurants in the state. critics argue that it will jeopardize federal funding and public health. >> israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is scheduled to come to a press conference on tuesday amid increasing tensions between the two allies. our sister station news channel eight will be taking an in-depth view on the relations. it airs tuesday night at 7:00 on news channel 8 following prime
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minister netanyahu's address. >> a man known as jihadi john, the masked militant seen in those videos the heading hostages is now identified. he was born in kuwait in 1988 and raised in london. after he beheaded american hostage james foley. adding that justice won't and there. >> it's about this whole culture of hate. cracks he has been on the suspect list since 2009. the agency was unable to stop him from traveling to syria. >> two people including a
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firefighter were hurt in a house fire in montgomery county. >> a former group home on norwood road. jeanette explains why firefighters had a difficult time battling this fire. >> significant damage after a firestorm through the attic and much of the rest of the structure injuring a woman inside and a firefighter. the fire broke out this morning at what was formerly a group home for disadvantaged boys in the area. it is required on scene to help and warrant the rehab. >> it is associated with the foster home. well-known to this community. the injuries are precautionary.
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exposure to smoke, maybe some smoke inhalation. >> the woman was alerted to fire after the smoke alarm went off. >> let's get to the weather now on this friday. a nice calm start to the weekend but changes could be on the way. >> what kind of changes? >> a lot of sunshine for the next hour and a half before the sun sets. tomorrow is when the changes begin. there is the national wheel. a lot of folks enjoying the sunshine as we move late into the evening. we didn't really warm up a whole lot. 34 at reagan national. and lexington park maryland, now looking at 30 degrees. some of you saw a few snow showers.
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now the skies are clearing out just a little bit. it will be dry. waking up tomorrow morning and by the noon time our temperatures that are generally going to be in the middle to upper 20's with highs only making it into the lower 30's. and we have it for you on the seven day outlook coming up in just a few minutes. >> it looks good so far today. >> it makes us think about spring and you can get ideas about gardening landscaping home improvement at the capital remodel and garden show. >> it will run all weekend there. we sent our bundle of energy out there and she spoke with a couple of celebrity guests. >> who is ready for spring?
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why not read new and refresher home and garden at the capital remodel and garden show happening at the expo center this weekend. you have probably seen these amazing hosts on hg tv. tell us, what have you been featuring this weekend? >> we talk about landscaping, getting in the mood for spring and summer. >> we are ready and done and over with winter. >> come down at 6:00 tonight jeff is on at 7:00. >> i will not be talking about landscaping. that is chris's category. you get all that inspiration and it's the place to be. for $10, is the best $10 you will ever spend. you get free information literally, from us. we will hang out with you guys.
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>> you can get a discount when you come. what is the keyword? >> use chris. >> use jeff. four dollars off. >> these two are great. we are ready to refresh and read new for spring. come on down. >> a lot of energy in that room. >> good news for travelers tonight. jetblue announced it is adding service between bwi and fort lauderdale florida. the airline has roundtrips trice a day -- twice a day. still to come at 4:00, a woman who posed as a physician's assistant and treated dozens of children learned her sentence today. how much time she will spend in prison. >> and talking about the injuries she
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as a small business owner you wouldn't deliver just half of what you have to offer to your customers. so why are you settling for half-fast internet? only verizon fios comes with speedmatch-- upload speeds as fast as your download speeds so files go out in a snap. call today to get $200 back when you switch to fios internet and phone for just $99.99 a month with a 2-year agreement and get $200 back. just call 1.888.774.4418 today.
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>> in annapolis woman we told you about last october who had been posing as a physician's assistant. >> she has been sentenced to
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prison after treating more than 100 children. live at the news desk with the very latest. >> not only did she treat 137 children, she also wrote more than 400 prescriptions without a medical license. she secured a job with the prior acquaintance that happened to be up pediatrician. the doctor has offices. a degree as a physician's assistant and sent a false resume to the doctor. gunter did, sort of. wire fraud and identity theft. they have to pay $53,000 in restitution.
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the doctor's office had unknowingly filed hundreds of false claims for medicaid coverage. >> up next, prince harry calling his military career quits. >> on your side with the consumer a learn for all you chipotle fans out there. there are a lot of you.
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>> apple fans looking to learn more about the next big product. it will hold a special event march 9 out in san francisco. analysts believe they will give details on the apple watch including exactly what it does and when it may be available. >> news for you, chipotle fans. they have a secret menu. >> what you can order so you don't waste your money. >> a lot of changing on the menu these days. it took away pork and made some
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people unhappy. not satisfied with what is happening on the menu? order off of the secret menu. >> you know that big menu board? that is just the start. the website says chipotle has one of the most extensive secret menus in the fast food world. among the secret items, cheese quesadillas. smothered not chose, taco salad burritodillas, a burrito quesadilla combo. and the holy grail, a quesa rrito. a burrito with a cheese quesadilla wrapped around it. the wrong way to order from the secret menu. if you don't know what the item is, don't order it. if the restaurant is very busy you might want to skip the secret order or your linemates will say, doesn't that think --
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stink? stick with a next her secret -- an extra secret item, the burrito shell. >> that way you don't waste your money. >> prince harry is quitting the armed forces. they served two tours of duty. he is planning to focus on charity work and spent a significant time abroad on field projects in africa. >> pop star madonna says she did hit her head and suffered whiplash when she fell during that performance on wednesday. she fell down a few stairs when the cape she was wearing was pulled by a dancer. the cape was supposed to be pulled, but it was supposed to come loose but it had been tied
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to tight. there was someone with her until 3:00 a.m. the next data make sure she did not lose consciousness. >> kanye is apologizing for the controversy after the grammy awards, apologizing to back after saying he did not deserve the hour -- album of the year award. i would like to publicly apologize to beck. i'm sorry beck. end quote. he said he should give his grammy to beyonce. >> well we can rest easy now that the apology is out there. >> let's get back to the question of the day, the huge response to the question of what color the stress really is. gold and white or blue and black? >> and he is not a fan of the dress and says, is ugly a color? cracks it depends on the way the lighting in the room and on the
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camera is. it makes the difference. black and blue, gold and white, it doesn't matter. >> all of the above. mystery solved. everybody is ready to move on, i think. >> it's amazing to see what blows up. >> it's incredible. >> a look at the science behind what people saw in that dress. some people saying what they saw was completely different from what other people saw. and there is a reason why. >> residents are paying $100 in fees. seven is on your side to try to help them out. >> a story 70 years in the making. >> the weekend is upon us and it
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sounds like it will be pretty decent. >> the second half, not so decent. take a look outside. hardly any clouds out there. evening and overnight hours, if you have plans outside in quantico now at 34. southern maryland now at 30 and dulles reporting at 30 degrees. satellite and radar quickly moving on out of here. no problems moving to the overnight hours. temperatures will be in the lower 20's. even colder off to the north and west. the next big weather maker off to the west of us. that will move our way as we
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head through and closer. clouds will start to increase. we look at a wintry mix with sleet and freezing rain. it all finally lifts on out of here. by the middle of next week, a warm-up. you will see clouds increase. take a look at the extended outlook. it doesn't get much better than that. my focus is on wednesday. the huge increase where it will only be in the upper 30's. the reading last for one day. at least we get 160 degree day. if we can have one each week, it
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will put us at what? >> it's like a reverse snow day. if it hits 60, nobody has to go to work. >> my twitter account is lighting up. >> not in the express lanes their traffic runs well. 270 northbound, it starts to slow down off and on through clarksburg. there is a crash westbound. traffic is able to get by. westbound, it is volume.
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with the travel lanes open, just some delays there. >> bomb, thank you so much. >> hopefuls in the district for day to of
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>> date two of the conservative political action commission in the district. presidential hopefuls are there trying to gain support. >> the ultimate goal is to take first place on the stronghold leaderboard. >> it is an annual gathering of conservative activists. [applause] but in the lead up to a presidential election year, it takes on greater significance. for several days, it is a parade of likely presidential contenders with the standard conservative talking points. >> obamacare is a disaster.
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>> and criticism of the press. >> i don't care what they write about me. >> and plenty of zingers aimed at the white house. >> president obama has disqualified himself and show himself incapable of being our commander-in-chief. >> this morning senator marco rubio focused his attention overseas. >> if we had a commander in chief that understood the way to defeat isis is not finally job. >> so did governor rick perry considering a second run at the republican nomination. >> he says isis is a religious movement. again, he is simply wrong. >> yesterday featured two high-profile governors. >> we have a president who draws lines in the sand and fails to act. >> and new jersey governor chris christie. >> so much ridiculous stuff being spewed out of the white house. >> it will end with attendees
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voting in a straw poll. in the past, that has not been a good indicator of who ends up winning the republican nomination. brad bell, abc 7 news. >> now, abc 7 news at 5:00, on your side. >> after weeks of complaints and calls from abc 7 finally action from the district governor. >> the mayor issued an all hands on deck order to clear trash from streets and alleys. stephen tschida is live press in northwest washington. >> this is a welcome sight. just hours ago there was a mini mountain of trash piled up here. a crew did come through and move some of it. we can tell you all across the district, there are a lot of alleys with a lot of trash. they took off early. the goal, collect mountains of trash.
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across d.c. cans overflow after weeks of snowstorms and no collection. >> i have been calling for the last two and a half weeks. >> like a lot of residents, she says her appeals for help went nowhere. the department of public works granted collection crews the prerogative to decide whether alleys are too dicey to enter. the trash cruise down a lot to treacherous, so they let the garbage weight and weight -- wait and wait. >> the all hands on deck order means department employees plus private contractors will work this weekend until the lingering trash is gone. >>despite the aggressive action, late in the days, we still found piles of trash in some alleys and frustrated city residents, even those who are fans of the mayor. >> i voted for her. i think she is great. but i want my tr


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